Holistic Acupuncture Based Therapy Mat for Pain Relief: Combining the benefits of conventional with contemporary, Xn8 Sports Acupressure Mat set is as unique and effective as it sounds. A coconut husk filled full body massage cushion and massage ball takes care of all your pains & aches.
Ergonomic Design Backed Up with Quality Manufacturing: Xn8 yoga acupressure mat and massage pillow set features strategically placed acupoints meant to trigger your body’s healing abilities, also unblocking stagnant energy pathways & improving blood circulation. To ensure posture support & neck cervical traction, you get a half-moon shaped pillow, also contributing in improved sleep.
Great Dimensions: 67cm length and 41cm width of the mat means your whole back (from top of the back to bottom of the hips area) gets massage. The mat hosts thousands of strategically placed therapy points for gentle pressure without any pricking or scrapping.
Light Weighted, Versatile & Portable: Not only is X8 acupressure mat lightweight and foldable, it is also easy to store & carry, thanks to a handy bag that comes for free with it. This acupressure mat set is your best bet against daily pains, tension & stress in a natural & drug free manner.
Quality Assurance: With a legacy of highest standards in product design, materials and manufacturing, we assure quality of this amazing product. Further, if you are not satisfied with the item after purchase, feel free to count on our professional customer support.
Problems like stiffness & soreness in neck, pain and discomfort in back and shoulders definitely affect your health as well as daily life. People often fail to get such issues settled even after visiting doctors. However, we might have a surprisingly simple and better solution for you in Xn8 Sports Acupressure Mat Set. You get a specially designed acupressure yoga mat and a massage ball. The mat hosts thousands of strategically placed acupoints, which serve to trigger improved body response in managing pain and discomfort. You can use this acupressure massager cushion to rejuvenate your whole body by getting neck and cervical massage, back massage, foot massage, thigh massage and buttocks massage. You also get a stylish carry bag totally for free, which you can use to store and carry the acurpressure mat set wherever you want.